Friday, 19 December 2014

November 2014

Secretary's Scribble
Only the Hurricane Run left in the Programme of Events.
Editor went on a trip to Buckingham Palace and on the way passed the Tower of London and saw the remembrance poppies in the moat, very moving and impressive sight and had to put a picture of this on the front cover of the November issue of the Newsletter.
On the same theme we have to report the passing of three members in this issue as well.
September's Club night, A Photographic Pot -Pouri went off very well. October we have a talk about the 94th Bomb Group at Rougham Airfield in world was two. November is our AGM and the Agenda for this is included in the Newsletter. There are vacancies on the Committee so don't be shy in coming forward and having a go.
The Christmas Social is on 11th December and a chit is enclosed for you to book your place.

A "Thank You" from EACH
Obituary x 2
AGM Agenda
Ethanol-petrol compatibility study
Ian's Ramblings
Leiston Long Shop Museum
Woodbridge Maritme Festival report

Front cover: Tower of London Poppies in the Moat
Page 6: Woodbridge Maritime RNLI Lifeboat and pictorial quiz "Where was this taken?"


Thursday 30th October - Talk on Rougham 94th Bomb Group
Thursday 27th November - A.G.M.
Thursday 11th December - Christmas Social
Thursday29th january - "The Suffolk Punch Horse" by Chris Miller
Thursday 26th February - TBA
Thursday - "Since Records Began" by Brian Clark

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